….and it was all Yellow

Actually it has been a very wet rainy day here in Shropshire and so to brighten the day, I am choosing some of my most recent “Yellow” photographs. Besides, this one should be bright and cheery, it is my 100th blog post! I always think that colours seem to change throughout the year and often become predominantly one whether this is due to nature or man-made. The daffodils have all but finished now but, these Narcissus have been brightening up my days this week from a neighbour’s garden.

Whilst in our own garden, the birds have been the most active on out feeder that I have seen for ages. They all look very smart in Spring I think. No doubt they will look a little more ruffled at the end of the breeding season.

Meanwhile, a little further afield and the first primroses are blooming in the woods and on the grass verges.

For miles around we can see bright yellow fields of rapeseed for oil.

The first Yellow Wagtails are arriving and looking around the hedgerows and you can spot the Yellow Hammers dive to the ground as you drive past.

Finally, for the house I bought some Yellow Chrysanthemums, it cheers it up whilst it is raining!

Have a great weekend!

Skywatch Friday ~ Fluffy Clouds

Well, it has been a while since I did a Skywatch Friday. I seem to have been a little busy with my art. However, seeing the bales in the field and looking out at across a gorgeous blue sky with nice fluffy clouds inspired me . So whilst we still have some summer…

I was sorry to hear on Skywatch that Klaus Peter has sadly passed away and dedicate this posting to him.

Other Skywatch posts from around the world can be found here .

Bluebell Wood

To walk through a bluebell wood is a real herald of Spring. The fragrance is astounding! Sadly, I am unable to share the scent but I can share some of my walk……I hope you get the same sense of peacefulness that I experienced.

By chance, on the day of this walk, I heard my first Cuckoo of the year so thought that this poem was a fitting accompaniment.

To the Cuckoo

Hail, beauteous stranger of the grove!
Thou messenger of Spring!
Now Heaven repairs thy rural seat,
And woods thy welcome ring.

What time the daisy decks the green,
Thy certain voice we hear:
Hast thou a star to guide thy path,
Or mark the rolling year?

Delightful visitant! with thee
I hail the time of flowers,
And hear the sound of music sweet
From birds among the bowers.

What time the pea puts on the bloom,
Thou fli’st thy vocal vale,
An annual guest in other lands,
Another Spring to hail.

Sweet bird! thy bower is ever green,
Thy sky is ever clear;
Thou hast no sorrow in thy song,
No Winter in thy year!

O could I fly, I’d fly with thee!
We’d make, with joyful wing,
Our annual visit o’er the globe,
Companions of the Spring.

John Logan

Skywatch Friday ~ the Dam at Lake Vyrnwy

On another trip to Wales, we took in the site of Lake Vyrnwy. This shot into the sun was one that I could only do something with if I processed it a little. So I used HDR to pull out some detail. The Lake itself also looked beautiful and unsually still, so it made for some nice reflective photography.

Other skywatch images from around the world can be found here. To anyone that drops by, Happy Skywatch and Happy Easter.

Skywatch Friday ~ Peaceful Sunset over Shropshire

We have had some very frosty cold evenings. This set of sunset images whilst not overly dramatic are from half an hour spent looking out over Shropshire with the sun gently sinking beneath the hills.

I feel like some kind of haunting music should be playing…

Happy Skywatch Friday to all and for other Skywatch images from around the world, check out their site here.