Winter Wanders

It has been a while since I posted. I confess that winter doesn’t really inspire me overly….well normally that is. When I came to update I realised that perhaps I have taken more photos than usual for winter time. This year, we have had almost every kind of weather possible. In December we experienced some very frosty cold mornings. This one was taken along the Mercian Way in the Severn Valley.


Shortly afterwards we experienced some very foggy, mysterious days.


With dew and frosty cobwebs shining in the corners.


January brought the snow!



Followed by an increase of birds into the garden.


Together with some beautiful sunrises as it began to disappear.


Then, never far away from us in the UK this year, the inevitable floods…..and on a sunny day, even they can look beautiful!


However, looking around in the garden and I can see the first new signs of renewal….but, all of that will be for another post!

Author: Chrissy Marie

Artist & Photographer from the UK

3 thoughts on “Winter Wanders”

  1. I love your view of winter and I particularly like the cobweb photo. it makes me realise I need to get out and about earlier in the morning 😉

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